Welcome to Marketing Essex

Southend Pier silhouette

Stand Out and Compete for Business

You are invited to join us for the next stage of planning Essex's place promotion.

Thank you for your interest. You can sign up below to join the community and receive invitations to future events and updates on the project’s progress.

Essex is in increasing competition with other places where the private and public sectors are working closer together and using more sophisticated and persuasive marketing techniques to tell the story about their place and what they have to offer. The changing economic conditions mean Essex needs to adapt, we have a real opportunity and we want to collaborate and work together to maximise our efforts, impact and reach.

Over the summer, influential people from across Essex came together to plan how Essex will promote itself in a more joined-up way to make Essex stand out to investors, talents, visitors and students.  We will soon be sharing the report our consultant has generated from that research with those who have signed up and inviting comment and feedback.

For further information please contact Peter Manning, Head of Visit Essex and International, peter.manning@essex.gov.uk.